DIVERGENT CHURCH CANBERRA and DIVERGENT CHURCH QUEANBEYAN is part of the wider family of Christian Churches that make up DIVERGENT CHURCH (formerly LIFECITY CHURCH Canberra).
At DIVERGENT CHURCH Canberra Queanbeyan we are motivated by the love and example of Jesus to pursue five key focuses or values that help shape our community and direction. These focuses being Relational, Biblical, Supernatural, Missional, and Global. These are drawn from the Ephesian's 4 gifts. You can read more about this here
As a community we meet in four locations on Sundays around the Capital region and are in the process of planting new Churches. Our heart is to see every disciple, living on mission in their own neighbourhoods, workplaces and communities.
We are also passionate about community on mission and discipleship. We are less interested in building a big Church and far more interested in building big people that can walk in the call of God in their lives. Discipleship and community outworked in everyday life is at our core.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask through the contact form at the bottom of this page